Fairground Address, Spectator/Parking Prices for Newbies

Discussion topics related exclusively to our annual gathering in Carlisle PA on June 3-5, 2011.
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Location: Kinsale, VA

Fairground Address, Spectator/Parking Prices for Newbies

Post by LoneSwan »

I may be able to attend Carlisle for the first time this year, since I'll be in the area visiting with relatives. For first-timers like myself, it would be helpful to learn in advance the location of the public parking area, spectator prices for a single day of the event, and the cost for parking.

Both of my white '88 Scorpio's are in no condition for long trips. {I have a rebuilt engine on the way, for one.} So, I want to hide the new Honda(mother-in-law's) well out of sight. :oops:

Kinsale, VA
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Post by richardcurtis »

As I remember it, most spectator parking is private. You'll find numerous front yards and other sites on the street leading to the various gates into the showfield. As I remember, parking rates vary but usually around $10 for the day. A couple of blocks farther from the showfield and you can sometimes find on-street parking for nothing, especially if you arrive early (before 8 a.m.?). You can find exact spectator entry fees on the Carlisle website but I remember it being $12.
Richard Curtis
Fairfax Station, Va. '89XR (gone to a new home but not forgotten)