Steel Bearing Retainer now available for 3.97 WC T5

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Steel Bearing Retainer now available for 3.97 WC T5

Post by DPDISXR4Ti »

Over the years many of us have used the WC T5 from the '87 - '93 2.3 Mustang or '87/8 Turbo Coupe when doing T-5 swaps on a XR. With appropriate rear-end gearing, it's not a bad solution. One of the challenges of this gearbox has been that it uses a different bearing retainer than the other (3.50, 3.35, 2.95) T5's. The original Aluminum 3.97 bearing retainer easily wears, and it's no longer available any way.

Hanlon Motorsports (HMS) to the rescue! Bob Hanlon now produces and sells a retainer made from billet steel specifically for the 3.97 T5 (part# HMS-1352-027-019R) ... gg1X9dclTU

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